The full university scholarship lifted a burden that weighed heavy on me and my family.

Sireen Salameh - Amman

  • > 120,150 active borrowers
  • >113,009 active borrowers are women
  • Total amount of loans disbursed is > 93,4526,053 JOD
  • Repayment rate is >93.9%
  • > 1,631,009 loans
  • > 33 international and local awards
  • > 63 branches
  • > 790 employees
  • > 580 employees are women

Samah R

Samah shared the responsibilities of the house with her husband through the meal preparation services she provides for her neighbors in As-Salt, where she resides.

The 30-year-old manages to kickstart this business – that she dreamt of having for years now – after obtaining the needed financial support from Microfund for Women.

As the days went by and her business started to take off, Samah saw the positive financial impact on her family of 6, and the entire credit went to Microfund for Women, as she informed us, for the magnificent experience and perpetual support they provided.