I developed my business with the help of MFW and with the support of my husband. I am very proud of myself and everything I accomplished.
Hitham Al-Edani - Bayader
- > 133,629 active borrowers
- >126,418 active borrowers are women
- Total amount of loans disbursed is > 28,947,152
- Repayment rate is >91.6%
- > 33,781 loans
- > 32 international and local awards
- > 63 branches
- > 793 employees
- > 580 employees are women
After the death of her husband, Rabeea became the sole provider for her family, which motivated her to open a supermarket to be able to provide for her family.
The 43-year-old Rabeea revealed that 11 years ago, Microfund for Women provided her with a “Tadamon” loan that enabled her to open a supermarket and consequently to better her family’s living conditions.
She also added that throughout the years, she obtained 4 more “Tatweer” loans which she used to improve the quality of stock in her supermarket and to expand her supermarket, which increased the profit margin