Due to Corona, we applied online, created an electronic e-Wallet account, took the money and started the project.
Marah Al-Masri - Al-Salt
- > 140,685 active borrowers
- >95.80% of active borrowers are women
- Total amount of loans disbursed is > 25,946,773.
- Repayment rate is >94.46%
- > 30,441 loans
- > 31 international and local awards
- > 63 branches
- > 745 employees
- > 73.15% of employees are women
Through her humble business, Nour managed to help provide for her family of 8 and pay off few of their financial commitments.
The 36-year-old Nour said that she always wanted to open a boutique to offer clothes to the entire family. This boutique managed to provide a financial return that positively affected the living situation of her family.
Nour explains that if it weren’t for the help of Microfund for Women and their funds, her plan wouldn’t have seen the light of day; she said that she obtained 3 loans that helped her buy more clothes to put in her boutique.