I got sick 3 times and my two daughters had cesarean deliveries. MFW is always there for us.

Donia Turkmani - Sahab

  • > 120,150 active borrowers
  • >113,009 active borrowers are women
  • Total amount of loans disbursed is > 93,4526,053 JOD
  • Repayment rate is >93.9%
  • > 1,631,009 loans
  • > 33 international and local awards
  • > 63 branches
  • > 790 employees
  • > 580 employees are women


Naima is one of MFW’s newest beneficiaries. She took a loan in 2020 and used it to open an accessories and cosmetics shop.

Initially, one of the main challenges, in addition to not having the needed capital before taking the loan, was her family’s disapproval of the project, but despite that, Naima was persistent and her project was a great success.

Regarding her experience with MFW, Naima says: “MFW is my greatest supporter and the reason behind my success.” She always encourages women around her to visit MFW, the reason behind many women’s success and empowerment.