Due to Corona, we applied online, created an electronic e-Wallet account, took the money and started the project.

Marah Al-Masri - Al-Salt

  • > 140,685 active borrowers
  • >95.80% of active borrowers are women
  • Total amount of loans disbursed is > 25,946,773.
  • Repayment rate is >94.46%
  • > 30,441 loans
  • > 31 international and local awards
  • > 63 branches
  • > 745 employees
  • > 73.15% of employees are women

Hind F

Wonderful, this was what Hind had to say when asked about her experience with Microfund for Women after getting the loan she needed to start her business producing dairy products.

This humble business earned her enough money to pay for the daily needs of her family. Although the prejudice of her society wasn’t pleasant towards her business, she turned a blind eye and focused on growing her business more.

Hind added that this loan will not be the last one; she plans to apply for more loans to and benefit from Microfund for Women’s services to grow her business more and reach more people.