I do all my work by hand with the support of the women I trained. My dream is to expand my project and for everyone to know my work.

Jamla Al-Hanandeh - West Irbid

  • > 140,685 active borrowers
  • >95.80% of active borrowers are women
  • Total amount of loans disbursed is > 25,946,773.
  • Repayment rate is >94.46%
  • > 30,441 loans
  • > 31 international and local awards
  • > 63 branches
  • > 745 employees
  • > 73.15% of employees are women


Microfund for Women granted Hajar a loan which allowed her to start her business in selling clothes which the latter helped her bettering the financial status of her family.

The 46-yar-old Hajar said the Microfund for Women paved the way to a better and decent life for her family, stating that the needs of her family of 8 are not getting fewer.

Hajar revealed that after obtaining the first loan from Microfund for Women back in 2013, she managed to get 4 more “Tatweer” loans that allowed her to improve her business and buy more clothes, leading to a better profit for her family.