I got sick 3 times and my two daughters had cesarean deliveries. MFW is always there for us.
Donia Turkmani - Sahab
- > 140,685 active borrowers
- >95.80% of active borrowers are women
- Total amount of loans disbursed is > 25,946,773.
- Repayment rate is >94.46%
- > 30,441 loans
- > 31 international and local awards
- > 63 branches
- > 745 employees
- > 73.15% of employees are women
Since she was at a very young age, Doua has loved the vibrant, colorful soap in shapes and smells; this is why she chose to start her soap-making business from the comfort of her own house to help with the household expenses.
Doua sought the help of Microfund for Women to obtain a fund to buy the basic materials and molds she needed to start making and selling soap.
And after mastering this craft, Doua now produce an impressive soap line that people use as party favors and unique gifts
Furthermore, during the high season, especially in the summer, she seeks the help of her sister in making the soap and delivering orders, as she stated that she is having a hard time balancing between his business and taking care of her house. She dreams about the day she will grow her business and move it to an independent shop.
She calls on the women to take bold leaps and start home-based businesses because they can positively impact their homes and increase their income.