I got sick 3 times and my two daughters had cesarean deliveries. MFW is always there for us.
Donia Turkmani - Sahab
- > 120,150 active borrowers
- >113,009 active borrowers are women
- Total amount of loans disbursed is > 93,4526,053 JOD
- Repayment rate is >93.9%
- > 1,631,009 loans
- > 33 international and local awards
- > 63 branches
- > 790 employees
- > 580 employees are women
Bdour started a business where she plants seeds and produced different plants, which managed to increase her family income.
The 34-year-old Bdour said that she couldn’t start her business if it weren’t for Microfund for Women’s loans which provided enough money for a stable capital.
The profit of her business left a positive impact on her family, where she elevated their financial status and managed to pay off their commitments on time and provide for their daily essentials.