After the vocational training courses, I started a plant nursery and sold my products through MFW’s market linkage.

Sana’a Awali - Amman

  • > 140,685 active borrowers
  • >95.80% of active borrowers are women
  • Total amount of loans disbursed is > 25,946,773.
  • Repayment rate is >94.46%
  • > 30,441 loans
  • > 31 international and local awards
  • > 63 branches
  • > 745 employees
  • > 73.15% of employees are women


Amani Al-Thawabiya “Umm Rashid” fulfilled her dream to open a women’s beauty salon, which reflected positively on her and her family of 4, after she obtained several loans from MFW.

Umm Rashid, 31 years old, is proud of her experience with MFW, which not only helped her financially but stood by her side every step of the way and provided her with the necessary skills to manage her project through various training courses.

“Umm Rashid” seeks to expand the project, to target more clients, and at the same time employ the largest possible number of women, which will have a positive impact on “Umm Rashid”, as she puts it.